Thank you Parents and Caregivers for your time and support during our Student Learning Conferences.
Attendance and Lateness
Kia Ora Homai whanau, A friendly reminder that we are tracking attendance and lateness to school. Homai school starts promptly at 8:50 am. To ensure a smooth start to the school day, we ask all families to help their children arrive on time. If you arrive AFTER 9am, please come to office to sign in. … Read moreAttendance and Lateness
As of Monday 26th August, any student arriving AFTER 9:00am will be marked as late. They will need to report to the office to sign in and collect a late pass, which they should then give to their class teacher.
Monday 26th August We kindly remind everyone that school starts promptly at 8:50 am. To ensure a smooth start to the school day, we ask all families to help their children arrive on time. As of Monday 26th August, any student arriving after 9:00 am will be marked as late. They will need to report … Read moreAs of Monday 26th August, any student arriving AFTER 9:00am will be marked as late. They will need to report to the office to sign in and collect a late pass, which they should then give to their class teacher.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Friday 23rd August: TEACHER ONLY DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED for teaching instructions
Uike Kātoanga’i ‘o e lea faka-Tonga – Tonga Language Week – ‘E tu’uloa ‘a e lea faka-Tongá ‘o ka lea’aki ‘i ‘api, siasí (lotú), mo e nofo-‘a-kāingá – The Tongan Language will be sustainable when used at home, church and in the wider community. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Friday 23rd August: TEACHER ONLY DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED for … Read moreIMPORTANT REMINDER: Friday 23rd August: TEACHER ONLY DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED for teaching instructions
Wednesday 31st July – Student Learning Conferences – 8am – 7pm – Skool Loop app to book time with your child’s teacher.
Wednesday 31st July – Student Learning Conferences – 8am – 7pm – Skool Loop app to book time with your child’s teacher. Hybrid Learning from Home. Use Class site to access your child’s class learning for the day.
Term 3 starts – Monday 22nd July
Term 3 starts – Monday 22nd July School starts at 8.50am. Morning tea at 10.30am Lunch time at 12.30pm School Finishes at 2.30pm.
Last Day of Term 2 – Friday 5th July at 1.30pm
Friday 5th July – Last day of Term 2 – School will finish at the earlier time of 1.30pm. Please ensure you make arrangements for your child to be picked up early on this day. Term 2 School Holidays – Saturday 6th July – Sunday 21st July Term 3 starts – Monday 22nd July
Community Swimming lessons for Year 4 to 6 Students. Every Tuesday for the rest of the term.
Community Swimming lessons for Year 4 to 6 Students Every Tuesday for the rest of the term. Swimming lessons are complusory. Reminder for your child to bring; swimming togs, towel and a plastic bag for wet clothes
Teacher Only Day – Friday 31st May – SCHOOL IS CLOSED. King’s Birthday – Monday 3rd June – SCHOOL is CLOSED
Teacher Only Day – Friday 31st May – SCHOOL IS CLOSED. King’s Birthday – Monday 3rd June – SCHOOL is CLOSED. Back to school Tuesday 4th June