Announcement : 

Community Swimming lessons for Year 4 to 6 Students. Rooms 15A, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 Starting on Friday 14th February and every Friday for the rest of the term. Swimming lessons are complusory.  Reminder for your child to bring; swimming togs, towel and a plastic bag for wet clothes

As of Monday 26th August, any student arriving AFTER 9:00am will be marked as late. They will need to report to the office to sign in and collect a late pass, which they should then give to their class teacher.

Monday 26th August  We kindly remind everyone that school starts promptly at 8:50 am. To ensure a smooth start to the school day, we ask all families to help their children arrive on time. As of Monday 26th August, any student arriving after 9:00 am will be marked as late. They will need to report … Read moreAs of Monday 26th August, any student arriving AFTER 9:00am will be marked as late. They will need to report to the office to sign in and collect a late pass, which they should then give to their class teacher.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Friday 23rd August: TEACHER ONLY DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED for teaching instructions

Uike Kātoanga’i ‘o e lea faka-Tonga – Tonga Language Week – ‘E tu’uloa ‘a e lea faka-Tongá ‘o ka lea’aki ‘i ‘api, siasí (lotú), mo e nofo-‘a-kāingá – The Tongan Language will be sustainable when used at home, church and in the wider community.  IMPORTANT REMINDER: Friday 23rd August: TEACHER ONLY DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED for … Read moreIMPORTANT REMINDER: Friday 23rd August: TEACHER ONLY DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED for teaching instructions

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