Announcement : 

Thank you Parents and Caregivers for your time and support during our Student Learning Conferences.


Home Zone

All students who live within the home zone described below and/or shown on the map shall be entitled to enrol at the school.

Starting at the intersection of Roscommon Road and Langley Road (excluded), travel south along Roscommon Road (odd addresses 235-261 only included and even addresses 250-290 only included:

Mayo Road, Athy Place, Bolderwood Place, Kiwi Tamaki Road included) to Browns Road.  Travel east along Browns Road (odd addresses included and even addresses 118 and below only included) to the railway tracks.  Travel southeast along the railway track to Jutland Road.  Travel northeast along Jutland Road (excluded) to Jellicoe Road.  Travel south along Jellicoe Road (both sides included; Beatty Avenue excluded) to Maich Road.  Travel north along Maich Road (odd addresses 41 and above only included and even addresses 40 and above only included to Halsey Road.  Travel east along Halsey Road (both sides included) to Great South Road.  Travel north along Great South Road (odd addresses 1-89 and 813-819 only included and even addresses 1-8 only included) to Kerrs Road.  Travel west along Kerrs Road (even addresses 98 and below only included) to Dalgety Drive (both sides included).  Continue west along Kerrs Road and across the railway tracks back to the starting point.

School Zone

Out of Zone Enrolment Ballot

Ballot Dates: March, June, & October

Out of zone places are available to students who live outside the Homai School zone.

Homai School will run two out of zone ballots for enrolments, one in July (Term 2) and the other in November (Term 4).

For students new to school (5 year olds) you should enter the ballot closest to their 5th birthday.

Places are offered to applicants according to their priority group.  Priority groups are prescribed by legislation and set out in our Enrolment Scheme.

Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:

First Priority This priority category is not applicable at this time as the school does not run a special programme approved by the Secretary
Second Priority Will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students
Third Priority Will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students
Fourth Priority Will be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school
Fifth Priority Will be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the BOT of the school or a child of a member of the BOT of the school
Sixth Priority Will be given to all other applicants

The Out of Zone application is a paper based process.  Application forms can be printed off the link below and must be submitted to the school office or by email to

Receipt of submitted application forms will be communicated by email.  The email confirming receipt of the application is not confirmation that the student has been entered in the ballot.  Your application will be reviewed upon receipt, and if all required information and documentation has been provided, you will receive email confirmation that the application has been finalised and entered in the ballot.

The ballot is drawn where at all possible by a lawyer/Justice of the Peace/Police Officer and you will be informed within 5 working days of the ballot being drawn of the results.

Please Download the Ballot Application Form via the link below.

Online Ballot Form

Online Enrolment Form

Enrolment Documents to be Provided

  • Birth Certificate
  • Plunket Book or Immunisation Certificate
  • Passport
  • Cyber-Safety Agreement
  • Proof of in-zone residential address (Powerbill, Telephone, Sky TV or Tenancy Agreement)


Homai School will support the student with being cybersafe by explaining the rules and implementing cybersafe education programmes regularly. The school uses filtering and/or monitoring software/programmes to restrict access to certain sites and data, including email. This cybersafety agreement form is aligned to the Homai School Policy.

Click the Agreement Form button below to download.

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Homai School Uniform Price Flyer 2021
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