Announcement : 

Thank you Parents and Caregivers for your time and support during our Student Learning Conferences.


Senior Leadership

Senior Leadership

Krystal Woodard

Acting Principal

Tapasā O le Fōlauga Fou

About Me

Talofa lava, my name is Krystal Woodard and I hail from the Pacific Islands of Samoa. This is my fourth year teaching at Homai Primary School and I’m currently a year 4 teacher. My philosophy of education is that all children are unique and must have a stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create this type of atmosphere where students can meet their full potential. I’m excited for the learning and growth we will encounter this year and I look forward to our learning journey together.


Christina Patea

Principal - Study Leave 2025

About Me

Talofa lava

O lo’u igoa o Taulapapa Christina Patea. I am Samoan and my parents are from the villages of Tulaele, Taga, Alamagoto and Fetausi. My husband is Laurie Patea and we have four children, and 1 beautiful grandson Abel Patea who is Ngati Hamoa, Ngati Porou & Tainui.
I have been in education for 25 years and I have spent 15 years serving the beautiful community of Manurewa. I am blessed to be gifted with educating our future leaders.

O le ala o le pule o le tautua, the pathway to leadership is through service.

Soifua ma ia manuia.


Te Awaiti Te Aho

Associate Principal / TMNaK Team Coach

About Me

Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Te Kotahitanga te marae
Ko Ngāti Tipa te hapū
Ko Waikato te iwi

Waikato taniwha rau
He piko, he taniwha
He piko, he taniwha

Ko Maunga Taniwha te maunga
Ko Oruru te awa
Ko Mamaru te waka
Ko Te Kauhanga te marae
Ko Te Paatu te hapū
Ko Ngāti Kaahu te iwi

Ngāti Kaahu tokoiti
Ngāti Kaahu manawanui

Ko Te Awaiti Te Aho ahau


Anne Forsyth

Associate Principal / Waka Ahuru Leader / IT Leader


About Me

Kia Orana, my name is Anne Forsyth. I am a Cook Islander and my parents are from the island Mangaia. My husband is Peter and we are both educators. I have been in education for 20 years and Homai school is my 4th school. I have spent most of my 16 year teaching career serving the community of Clendon. The last 2 years I previously taught in Glen Innes teaching in the juniors. I look forward to teaching and serving back here in Manurewa.

He aha te mea nui o te ao? What is the most important thing in the world?
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata. It is people, it is people, it is people. (Maori whakatauki)

Kia Orana e Kia Manuia.


Ashnee Ganess

Associate Principal / Literacy Curriculum leader

About Me

In 2009 my family and I immigrated to New Zealand from South Africa. I began my journey here at the Best Little School in Manurewa as a Junior teacher, then moved to the Senior school. I am currently one of the Lead Coaches at Homai Primary School and my passion is raising student achievement and continuing to build positive relationships with families and the community. Outside of school, I enjoy travelling to warm beaches, nature walks and time with family.


Melisha Chand

Learning Support Coordinator

SENCO / LSC / Awhi Coach

About Me

Bula Vinaka e te whānau!
Ko Koroyanitu te maunga.
Ko Te Moana nui a Kiwa te moana.
Nō Fiji ahau.
Ko Chand tōku whānau.
Ko Melisha tōku ingoa.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Hey! My name is Melisha Chand and I am from the beautiful islands of Fiji.
My guiding principle is this whakatauki: “Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti aroha o tātou mahi” which means, “Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.”


Admin Staff

Admin Staff

Bronwyn Warings

Executive Administrator

About Me

My name Bronwyn Waring and I am Executive Assistant to the Principal and Board of Trustees.
I am married to Wayne and we have two children and two grandchildren.
I have worked in varying admin roles at Homai and always enjoy our Homai students and community.


Margaret Murray

Office Manager

About Me

Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Aotea te waka
Ko Waingongoro te awa
Ko Ngāruahine raua ko Ngāti Ruanui oku iwi
No Mātariki oku tipunā
Ko Margaret Murray tõku ingoā

I have been with Homai since 2013 as a Teacher Aide for 5 years. From there I had the opportunity to move into the Reception/Office Administration role. I thoroughly enjoy being in the front line greeting our students/staff and our community each day.


Teaching Staff

Teaching Staff

Natasha Tully

Ahukura Leader / Math Curriculum Leader / Library Leader

About Me

My name is Natasha Tully. I was born in India, Kolkata - The City of Joy. I love to read, cook, craft and browse the internet. Travelling is my passion. My husband and I have been happily married for seventeen years and we have a beautiful daughter. My motivation as a teacher comes from the words of the great Albert Einstein who once said, Education is what remains when one has forgotten what he has learned in school.


Saleha Faaiza

Kaiako (Teacher)

Room 2 - Waka Ahuru

Meenu Rana

Kaiako (Teacher)

Room 3 - Waka Ahuru

About Me


Karen Soutar

Kaiako (Teacher)

Room 4 - Reception class - Waka Ahuru

Pooja Rani

Kaiako (Teacher)

Room 5 - Waka Ahuru

About Me


Amandeep Virk


Room 6 - Waka Ahuru

About Me


Angela Hydes

Kaiako - Teacher

Room 7 - Waka Ahuru

About Me

Kia Ora,

Ko te Atua piringa (the Lord is my refuge)
Ka puta, Ka ora (my salvation, my eternal life)

Ko Wikitoria te maunga e rū nei tōku ngākau.
Ko Waitemata te moana e māhea nei ōku māharahara.
Nō Wēra me Ingarangi ōku tupuna.
Ko Angela tōku ingoa.

Hi, I’m Angela, married to David and mother of 7 children, two dogs, five birds, and a cat. I love working alongside our juniors in the classroom,as well as the sensory, and junk play programs. I’m also studying towards my teaching degree with Waikato University.


Emi Fepuleai

Faia'oga (Teacher)

Room 14

Alice Aubry-Kirkwood

Kaiako (Teacher)

Akomanga 16 - Te Moana Nui a Kiwa

About Me

Hawaiki Nui, Hawaiki Roa, Hawaiki Pāmamao
Ka maunu tōku waka i te Moana-Nui-ā-Kiwa
He tai timu, He tai pari, He tai nui
E papaki kau ana ki te Tai-Tama-Tāne
Ā, ā Niniwa, ā Ārai-te-uru
Kei reira ka rere te toto o tōku kāwai tāngata,
Arā, te āhuru mōwai o tōku ūkaipō
Ka tangi, ka hotuhotu, kia rātou mā,
Kua whēturangitia ki tua o te ārai
Te kaiārahi whakatere waka ki uta,
Ko te ao, te ao, ko Ao-tea-roa!

I’m into my second year as a teacher in the Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa waka. I’m with one of the two junior classes, teaching year 2-4.

Nōreira, tēnā koutou
Ngā manaakitanga, nā whaea Alice Aubrey-Kirkwood


Makere Walker

Kaiako (Teacher)

Akomanga 16A - Te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Michaela Taranaki

Kaiako (Teacher)

Akomanga 17

About Me

Tēnā koutou e te whānau

Ko Maungataniwha te maunga
Ko Te Moho te awa
Ko Mamaru te waka
Ko Te Manawa o Ngāti Tara te wharenui
Ko Parapara te marae
Ko Ngāti Tara te hapu
Ko Ngāti Kahu te iwi
Ko Kahutianui te tupuna
Ko Michaela Taranaki Priestley tōku ingoa

“Whaowhia te kete mātauranga”


Hera Minhinnick

Kaiako (Teacher)

Akomanga 18

About Me

Ko Mōkau ki runga
Ko Tāmaki ki raro
Ko Mangatoatoa ki waenganui.
Pare Hauraki, Pare Waikato
Te Kaokaoroa-o-Pātetere.

Ko Hera Minhinnick tōku ingoa.


Te Wairaka Martin

Kaiako (Teacher)

Akomanga 19

About Me

Coming Soon


Rachel Douglas

Kaiako (Teacher)

Room 20 - Waka Ahukura - Te Aho o te Pou

Lisa Teariki

Kaiako (Teacher)

Room 21 - Waka Ahukura - Te Aho o te Pou

Tracey Broughton

Teacher & Sports Co-ordinator

Room 22 - Te Aho o te Pou

About Me

Kia Ora e te whānau

Ko Te Ramaroa te maunga
Ko Whirinaki te awa
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Matai Aranui te marae
Ko te Hikutu te hapu
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Ko Kupe te tupuna
Ko Tracey Broughton tōku ingoa

My name is Tracey Broughton, Hokianga is the place I call home

My philosophy in education is that everyone has the right to inclusive education to grow mentally, socially, physically and emotionally within an environment of opportunity.


Donna Heka-Head


Room 23 - Te Aho ki Tua

About Me

Fakaalofa lahi atu ki a mutolu oti & Kia ora koutou,
Ko e higoa haaku ko Donna Heka-Head.
My magafaoa originates from Alofi & Tuapa in Niue.
Born and raised in Manurewa, South Aukilani,
Full time Student Support Teacher in Te Moana Nui a Kiwa,
I am currently in my second year at Waikato University to become A qualified teacher here at Homai School.
"Kāore ōku toto Māori, engari ko Aotearoa te whenua i whakatipu mai i a au"


Navjot Kaur

Kaiako - Teacher

Room 24 - Waka Ahukura

About Me


Tayla Faaofo

Faia'oga (Teacher)

Room 25

Johnny Wallace


Classroom Release Teacher

About Me

Kia Ora
Johnny Philip Montgomery Wallace.

Tōku Pepeha Tēnā koutou katoa.

Ko Wallace Tōku ingoa Whānau.
Ko Montgomery Tōku matua.
Ko Cloada Tōku whaea.
Ko Philip aka Johnny Tōku ingoa.
Kia ora, kia mau te aroha, Johnny.


Elfrida Raj

Release Teacher

About Me


Support Staff

Support Staff

Helan Collings

SST Team Leader

About Me

Coming Soon


Stephen Mouatt


About Me

Coming Soon


Clayton Friend

Groundsman (M/T/W) 

About Me

Coming Soon


Maryalice Goodman


About Me

Hi my name is Maryalice. I've lived in Manurewa for over 36 years. I have 3 grown up children and 1 Granddaughter who attends Homai. I've been part of Homai for a very long time and you could say that I'm part of the furniture. Homai is my second whanau and I love working with the Tamariki and the staff.


Karita Siakisini


About Me

Talofa lava ! My name is Karita - also known as MRS K. I grew up in the beautiful paradise of Samoa. I then traveled to Aotearoa, to support my family back home, and live my life.I’ve been married for 29 years, and three amazing daughters. As a student support teacher the inspiration I have for teaching stems from this passage, “ O AU A MATUA FANAU “ – CHILDRENS ARE THE PRECIOUS OFFSPRING OF PARENTS.


Karen Cate


About Me

Coming Soon


John Ikinepe


About Me

Fakaalofa Lahi atu
Given the name John, from my beautiful Niuean parents.
Work and live in Manurewa, did my Schooling here in Manurewa back in the days.
To see our young people grow and to achieve their goals is a blessing.

Some lyrics of a great song, that I personally believe
“I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be”.
Wrote by Michael Masser and Linda Creed
Sang by Whitney Huston


Hannah Crichton


Charlie Hydes


Zoey Te Ahuru-Kakahi


Sophia To'afa


Hope Tafa


About Me


Tupe Anae


About Me


Vii Fanene


Vanila Mataele


Sonjah Marsters


Carolanne Tau


About Me


Hamdahn Tuipulotu


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